“The Shortest Route between Disruption and Advantage is Execution”
We work on meaningful projects
We advise – and often roll up our sleeves – to help businesses reframe their toughest problems.
“You can’t hope to frame a problem correctly unless you get your hands dirty and test your thinking in the real world” – Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, What’s Your Problem, ISBN 1633697223
It’s hard to get the juggernaut to change course. Call it culture, processes, even corporate immune systems. It’s the act of staying entrenched when all around you the world begs your business to take action, blow the whistle, send the troops over the top and into No Man’s Land. That’s the business end of innovation. And staying up at night wondering, how do you keep them there once they’re over the top is, too.
So, how can we help you? We engage, activate, enable, and evaluate. Through workshops, discussions, talks, keynotes, townhalls, coaching, non-executive advisories – tools we’re all already accustomed to – we create exponential organisations (ExO). Developing your capacity to innovate, cultivate intrapreneurship by breeding new abilities, by inspiring, by leading, coaching, and mentoring – from the inside out.

What we do
Most of our services don’t fit nicely into a box! Because most of the time we are working with projects never done before …or different, hence new and innovative.
- Create Points of Connection
- Bring the future into the business
- Create mission-critical capability
- Educate & Inspire people and teams
- Activate in innovation spaces
Affordable Advisory Calls
Tap into a Global Transformation Community
The OpenExO community is where exponential transformation specialists collaborate on everything related to accessing and managing the opportunities exponential technologies expose. It’s all about mindset transformation, transforming the business model and gaining the knowledge of how to harness exponential technologies.
3,500+ members, including Certified Coaches, Trainers, Advisors and emerging technology specialists around the world who are passionate and dedicated about building exponential organisations.

Free Custom ExQ Survey
The tool used by visionaries, innovators, top executives and entrepreneurs to determine how exponential their businesses are.
Your Exponential Quotient (ExQ) tells you how scalable your business is.
“What get’s measured, gets managed.” – Peter Drucker
This survey informs you how scalable – and adaptable – your business is. Businesses that adapt fast and well disrupt for longer. Key learnings from this survey also inform the road/path/journey/activities/tactics/strategy to nurturing scalability and adaptability in your business.
100 Day Venture Sprints
We start new ventures, we don’t just build products/
We test and learn in real-time. We move quickly to product launch, because value comes when you iterate, based on responses from real-world customers, not from presentations in boardrooms.
We are compensated for success, not workload – See here 👉
We focus on commercial product and business success. That’s why you pay us. It commits us a business partner rather than being just another innovation agency.
Monthly Brain Food
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